Monday, October 19, 2009

~~~~~Ask The Angels~~~~~~

I have made a few more brooches this weekend and using a very pretty dark red velvet ribbon I found made them into little ribbon brooches, the other ribbon I am using is a lovely permmisson burnt orange colour, I bought it early this year just for the deep colour and texture of the velvet. I made a few Angel Cameo Style Pins and my Little Lady Fox drawing in on one of the cameos she looks very wintery next to the red ribbon so I put them together in a brooch.
Here is a little prayer I think about when I need the angels to come around me
I recite/think in my head
Angels please protect me and the loved ones around me from the many faces of evil in this world, the people who wear masks of truth and then defy your trust. With your golden glow of peaceful light bring these people to justice show them love and free them from the arms of darkness.

And when ever you are in need I wear my little angle brooch to help me through difficult times or situations that you may need to attend and I find it works great for me, almost like i have a clear bubble around me where the poison arrows can't get in!
Please visit my little shop Dove Grey Shop if you wish to purchase a lovely angel brooch

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