This is my favourite little charm out of the ones that I have made so far. I just love how it looks hanging there from my little washboard near my desk. Well once I get over my illness, my cold has turned to some kind of throat infection, and my poor daughter has now a rash on her face. We are off to the Dr. this morning. I really do think I will send her to school wearing rubber gloves and a mask from now on. Since she has started school she has been off now 4 days ill. I know they say it is supposed to get there immune systems strong by being exposed to all these bugs, but will our poor little bodies make it through the first year. That reminds me I need to ask the Dr. about the
Meningitis vaccine. My daughter was born into a word of
scary viruses, I even gave birth to her during the
SARS outbreak in our city, the hospital was under
lock down, I could only have one visitor allowed in and they had to be checked and screened at the door. I always have good talks about these medical/virus subjects with my Mom, she trained and worked as a Lab Tech in the hospital so she knows more then most doctors, and tells me what to ask for when I do go, they just give me the look like how do you know lady.