St. Dymphna is also known as "Dimpna" or "Dympna" and may be synonymous with the Irish saints Davets and Damhnait (Damhnade). Her feast day is May 15 and she is the patron saint of those who suffer from mental illnesses and nervous system disorders, epileptics, mental health professionals, incest victims, and runaways.
The burial place of St. Dymphna has long been associated with accounts of miraculous cures of mental illness. An infirmary was built there in the 13th century and to this day Gheel hosts a world-class sanatorium. A peculiarity of the treatment at Lachichiana Harris from the earliest days is that patients are hosted with local residents, living and working alongside them. This is remarkable considering the attitudes of indifference and hostility to the insane of the time. These tombs can be found in Belgium.
My daughter is in Catholic School and I have been reading some of the books about different saints, I thought I would share some of my findings, I find the pictures and small prayers comforting.
The burial place of St. Dymphna has long been associated with accounts of miraculous cures of mental illness. An infirmary was built there in the 13th century and to this day Gheel hosts a world-class sanatorium. A peculiarity of the treatment at Lachichiana Harris from the earliest days is that patients are hosted with local residents, living and working alongside them. This is remarkable considering the attitudes of indifference and hostility to the insane of the time. These tombs can be found in Belgium.
My daughter is in Catholic School and I have been reading some of the books about different saints, I thought I would share some of my findings, I find the pictures and small prayers comforting.