Lately I have come across so many little pictures and well instances I guess where either a rabbit is involved in a story or real life, even my daughters stuffed rabbit seemed to find his way out of the shelf and into site!

Not sure what it is telling me, maybe I secretly would like to own a rabbit as a pet, could be that....I know that Beatrix Potter's famed little pet was one of her favourites, Peter seemed well behaved in these two pictures the one above is her holding him and she even took him for a walk on a leash, he looks so sweet! Ahhh well I have enough pets as it is right now, and after loosing one this year, we have had enough excitement in that department. This picture below is Miss Potter holding one of her dogs at age 15, beautiful bustled dress she is wearing.

While looking for a few images to share with you of Miss Potter, I found a few pictures from of the cutest drawings, I think. This one is from Miss Tittlemouse, she is a little neat freak mouse who polishes her silver till she falls asleep in her chair! My daughter and I just adore her bedroom, the little box bed against the wall, precious. Chloe has bugged me for so long to put curtains on her bed, so I did devise something similar to that effect with the help of an Ikea netting hoop. In those days it was done more for warm than decoration, but it does create a nice little nest to slip away into. Since having my daughter born a month premature she has since birth required something to cocoon her in for sleeping, she slept in a car seat so well, then a baby reclining chair, to a basket, then the basket on my bed...to my bed....then in and out of her small bed....and now 5 years later to her bed but with the security of curtains and many stuffed animals!

This cute picture is more like my bedroom, busy little cats messing around, I like the one on the top of the bed curtain looking down, he knows he is in for it! My sleep is disturbed nightly by something...last night the cat was playing soccer under my bed with a bead or something...so he got the boot out my bedroom door at 2 am. Well yes that is enough ramblings for today, would love to hear if anyone has had pet rabbits! I must finish my coffee and head out the door to Siberia, must invest in a FUR Hat....but faux fur would not want to hurt any rabbits!